Sunday, June 24, 2007

Noticeable by my silence?

No one has been more surprised than I at just how tender the last week or so has been as the delegates of the ACC General Synod got themselves together in Winnipeg. Speaking with an American priest who has become a dear sister to me in these times, I realized that what I've essentialy been doing is holding my breathe until Synod is over.
Too many years of patriarchical abuse, witnessing too much LGBT suffering find me incapable of completely letting go of the possibility that the church, acting fearfully, will once again shut us out.
It's one of the questions Eleanor+ asked: what will I do, if they do essentialy shut us our from this next step towards full inclusion ?
And right now, in this blessed early Sunday morning peace of our tiny home I don't know.
All I can promise is to keep trying to mindfully step forward to meet God in the gift of the life given me.

In my opinion, one wondrous feat the Holy Spirit has already worked at General Synod is the election of (+) +Fred Hiltz as our next Primate and great joyous, tearful prayers of thanks have been offered pretty much non-stop since yesterday. From all that I read, +Fred appears to be a profoundly human priest before and after anything else who knows his theology and who has a deep, deep love for our Church. His 'beautiful bride' also impresses me as an articulate, intelligent blessing-in-waiting for all of us.

But rejoicing in (+)+Fred's election, I believe it is also important to give thanks for all of the other candidates who stood, and to recognize the great work that +Victoria has given the church in her work on the St Michael Report, her cantidacy and her presentation to General Synod yesterday. While I can't agree with +Victoria on many things, I am thankful for the blessing she is to the Church, and to her diocese.

And speaking of Bishops, (+)+Fred's election brings to mind my deep and abiding gratitude for three other bishops blessing our communion: for +Barry Montreal, who in his gentle, low-key way embodies Christ's love for us; for ++Katherine whose articulate intelligence and skill have given even this Canadian gay man of faith cause for hope; and of course our dear radiant brother +Gene New Hampshire who continues a great daily blessing and steward of the Church.

This morning, General Synod meets at the Blessed Sacrament before continuting their discussions, and taking the vote on Monday, and what a wondrous gift it is to be able to join them in prayer..... while continuing to hold my breath of course.

I'd ask your prayers in turn.


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